Introduction to simpletex


By calling the ‘SimpleTex’ open API implements text and mathematical formula recognition on the image, and the output formula can be used directly with Markdown and LaTeX.

Configure the ID and SECRET for the SimpleTex API

To use the simpletex package, user need to first register with the SimpleTex platform, and then create application. After creating the application, Then you will get SimpleTex API ID and SECRET.

Put your SimpleTex API ID and SECRET in the following code and run it once.

  '\n# ID and SECRET of SimpleTex',
  'SIMPLETEX_APP_ID = "Your SimpleTex API ID"',
  file = '~/.Renviron', sep = '\n', append = TRUE

Basic usage

imgocr(img = "path/to/image", mode = "latex_ocr")
  • img An image file, supporting jpg, png, bmp format.
  • mode is service model. The value can be latex_ocr, latex_ocr_turbo, or simpletex_ocr. The default value is latex_ocr. The latex_ocr and latex_ocr_turbo are used for formula identification. latex_ocr is better than latex_ocr_turbo, but latex_ocr_turbo is faster. simpletex_ocr is suitable for general image recognition.

For the output, for example: “E=mc^2”, you can copy only the parts within quotation marks of the output directly into the ‘.md’ or ‘.tex’ document.

Note: in order to the formula to render properly in ‘.md’ or ‘.tex’ documents, you also need to wrap the formula with $ or $$ on both sides.